Census Figures 2011
30.0% were aged under 18 years and
23.0% were aged 60 and over
51.0% of the population were male
49.0% were female
70.0% were from a Roman Catholic background
14.0% were from a Protestant background
16% were from a foreign country
25.9% of people aged 18–75 were unemployed.
26% said there Nationality was - Northern Irish
61% said there Nationality was - Irish
6% said there Nationality was - British
7% where other Nationality's
23.0% were aged 60 and over
51.0% of the population were male
49.0% were female
70.0% were from a Roman Catholic background
14.0% were from a Protestant background
16% were from a foreign country
25.9% of people aged 18–75 were unemployed.
26% said there Nationality was - Northern Irish
61% said there Nationality was - Irish
6% said there Nationality was - British
7% where other Nationality's